Westbank Warrior of the Month - November 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018 - 14:07
Name: Kaylen Coleman


Age: 30


Occupation: Anti-Money Laundering Investigator


Which class do you usually attend? 6:15pm (Whoop! Whoop!)


Favorite WOD: Murph


Favorite Lift: Back Squat


How long have you been CrossFitting? Since January 2017


What keeps you coming back? The amazing support system at CFA


How did you find CrossFit? I was at Van’s getting a snowball and I noticed the CFA banner. Did I mention that I visited Van’s almost everyday?


What is your athletic background? I played volleyball in middle school and ran cross-country in high school.


How has CrossFit Algiers changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?  Since beginning at CrossFit Algiers, not only has my physical appearance changed, my self-esteem has changed. I have more confidence in myself when taking on different tasks (at work and at the gym), I no longer let failure stop me from trying anything, and I am more compassionate and supportive of the people around me.


Is there something you have done here that you never thought you could do? When I first walked into CFA not only did I notice Coach Jodi’s amazing legs, I also noticed the rope hanging from the ceiling, in the back room (the one right next to the disco ball). For months and months I watched people shimmy up that rope effortlessly. And for months and months, I tried to reach the top until one day, to my surprise, I made it to the top.


What motivates/inspires you? Observing everyone at the gym push themselves to be the best athlete/person they can possibly be, regardless of any obstacles.


What goals have you achieved so far, and what else do you want to accomplish? My CrossFit goals are continuously ongoing. Currently, I am working on progressions to achieve movements such as pull ups, handstand pushups, and muscle-ups. I am also working to increase my speed while running.


Hobbies/interests outside of CrossFit? Traveling the world with my husband, spending time with my family, training my dog, and organizing any and every thing that’s unorganized.


Any advice for new members?

“Don’t be afraid to be a beginner”.

“Pain is weakness leaving the body”.