
Friday, June 19, 2020 - 19:00

CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit

Accessory & Stretching

Metcon (No Measure)


3 Sets:

12 Single DB Tempo Curls*

24 DB Pullovers

12 DB Flys

*Fast up, slow negative.


3 Sets:

:30 Single Leg Sit and Reach / Side

:30 Groiner Stretch / Side


Cyborg (Time)


5 Rounds:

60 Double Unders

30 Walking Lunges

15 Candle Sticks

Level 2:

5 Rounds:

60 Double Unders or :60 Attempts

30 Walking Lunges

15 Deck Squats

Level 1:

5 Rounds:

100 Single Unders

30 Walking Lunges

15 Hollow Rocks or Candle Sticks to elevated surface

Extra Work

Extra Work - Week of 15JUNE20 (No Measure)

Midline 1: Monday

For Completion:

50 Flutter Kicks

:30 Handstand Hold

50 Scissor Kicks

:30 Handstand Hold

50 Flutter Kicks (50/35# on Chest)*

:60 Handstand Hold

50 Scissor Kicks (50/35# on Chest)*

:60 Handstand Hold

*Use DB, KB, or Sandbag*

Midline 2: Friday

For Completion

5 Sets:

100m DB Overhead Walk*

- Rest 3:00 btw. sets.

*Use a pair of DB's that you can complete the 100m only putting the DB's down once. Increase or decrease weight as needed between sets.

Skill 1: Saturday


50 Towel Pull-Ups*

*Every time you break perform 20 Banded Tricep Extension

Skill 2: Wednesday

5 Rounds:

20 In-Place Back Rack Barbell Lunges (115/75#)

50m Sled Push*

- Rest 2:00 btw. rounds.

*The weight shouldn't be a sprint, however it should be something you can keep moving. Even if its a march.