Every Minute Counts

Friday, August 17, 2018 - 19:00

CrossFit Algiers, WBBC NOLA - CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)


Every Minute Counts

(5) 3- Minute rounds

5 Power Cleans

10 Burpees

1 Bar Hang

Perform the number of reps listed for each component. If reps are completed before the minute is up, rest for the remainder of that minute. For the bar hang, athlete is to perform the movement unbroken. If the movement is broken before the minute is up, rest for the remainder of that minute.


Power Cleans to be performed with barbell or dumbells.

Score is total number of reps completed for the workout.

Count seconds as reps for bar hang.

Scaling options- Hang Power Cleans, Non-Dynamic Burpees, Ring Row Hold