Green Arrow

Friday, June 5, 2020 - 19:00

CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit

Accessory & Stretching

Warm-up (No Measure)


3:00 Max Rep DB Floor Press

3:00 Russian Twist w/ Medicine Ball



10 PVC Figure 8's

10 T Raises

10 Y Raises

10 Snow Angels
--- [Floor Press](

--- [PVC Figure 8s](

--- [T Raise](

--- [Y Raise](

--- [Snow Angel](


Green Arrow (Time)

"Green Arrow"

For Time:

75 Hand Release Push-ups

50 DB Box Step Overs (24/20") (35/20#)

75 Wallballs (20/14#)

Level 2:

For Time:

50 Hand Release Push-ups

50 DB Box Step Overs (20") (35/20#)

75 Wallballs (14/10#)

Level 1:

For Time:

30 Hand Release Push-ups

50 DB Box Step Overs (12") (25/15#)

75 Medball Thrusters(10/8#)

Extra Work

Extra Work - Week of 01JUNE20 (No Measure)

Midline 1: Tuesday

2 Sets:

3:00 Max Distance KB Farmers Carry (70/50#)

3:00 Max Distance KB Front Rack Carry (50/35#)*

3:00 Max Weighted Sit-ups

*Avoid resting the KB on shoulders, hold them in the KB front rack position under your chin.

Midline 2: Monday

75 Flutter Kicks

25 GHD Sit-ups or V-ups

75 Flutter Kicks

25 GHD Sit-ups or V-ups

Skill-Strength 1: Friday


5 Bar Muscle-ups

5 Strict Pull-up

:20 L Hang Hold

- Rest 1:00

*Goal is unbroken rounds

Skill-Strength 2: Wednesday

EMOM 18:

1) 10 Alt. Weighted Pistol

2) :45 Alt. Single Leg KB Deadlift

3) Rest

--- Scale pistols to a box as needed. Must keep heel down throughout rep.