HAM at Home - 27JUNE20

Friday, June 26, 2020 - 19:00

CrossFit Algiers - Home Workouts


Warm-up (No Measure)

On a 5:00 Clock

10 Windmills Forward

10 Windmills Backward

10 Arm Swings Front to Back

10 Alternating Triangle Pose Stretch


Metcon (Time)


5 Rounds:

9 DB Strict Press (9 Each Arm)

16 DB Renegade Row (8 Each Arm)

23 Push-ups on DBs

--- The goal for this workout isn't speed, instead rest as needed to achieve larger sets. This is a strength focus DB workout.

No Equipment:

5 Rounds:

:30 Plank Hold

20 Knees to Elbow in Side Plank

20 Push-ups

--- To increase difficulty perform a pike or handstand hold in place of the plank hold and you may perform a 15 pike push-up or 10 strict handstand push-up in place of the push-ups.

Accessory & Stretching

Metcon (No Measure)



100 Superman Arch-ups


3 Rounds:

:30 Banded Shoulder Stretch (each arm)

:30 Push-up to Down Dog

:30 Windmills Forward