
Monday, June 22, 2020 - 19:00

CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit

Accessory & Stretching

Metcon (No Measure)



Superman Arch Rock


Pike-ups on Rower


3 Sets:

:30 Standing Forward Bend

:30 Downward Dog

:30 Upward Dog


Lobo (Time)


3 Rounds:

750/600m Row

200m Farmer Carry (50/35#)
Level 2:

3 Rounds:

750/600m Row

100m Farmer Carry (50/35#)

Level 1:

3 Rounds:

500/400m Row

200m Farmer Carry (20/10#)

Extra Work

Extra Work - Week of 22JUNE20 (No Measure)

Midline 1: Friday

:60 Plank*

50' Crab Walk (hips as high as possible)

:60 Plank (right arm off ground)*

50' Crab Walk (Hips as high as possible)

:60 Plank (left arm off ground)*

50' Crab Walk (hips as high as possible)

:60 Plank (left foot off ground)*

50' Crab Walk (hips as high as possible)

:60 Plank (right foot off ground)*

50' Crab Walk (hips as high as possible)

*Accumulate your time in the plank before moving to the crab walk*

Midline 2: Monday

5 Rounds:

10 DB or KB Windmills (5 right & 5 left)

5 Dragon Flags (:05 descent on each rep)

Skill 1: Tuesday

EMOM 20:

Even: 1-3 Strict Muscle-ups

Odd: 15 GHD Sit-ups

Skill 2: Wednesday

EMOM 10:

Every :60:

5 Touch-and-Go Power Snatch

*Try to maintain at least 60% of your best snatch for the entire 10:00*