CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit
Rocky Road (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump 30/24"
30ft. Handstand Walk
Level 2:
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box Jump 24/20"
:30 HS hold
Level 1:
10min. AMRAP:
10 Box step up 20/14"
60ft. bear crawl
Accessory & Stretching
Metcon (No Measure)
HAMrap 7:
Strict Toes-to-Bar*
*Every break, perform 5 single arm ring rows on each arm.
2 Sets:
50 Banded Pull Apart
:60 A-T-Y Drill
:60 Wall Slides
:60 Snow Angel Drill
:60 Tiger Walks
Extra Work
Extra Work - Week of 17AUG20 (No Measure)
Midline 1: Monday
4 Sets:
10 Windshield Wipers / Side
20 Russian Twists / Side
30 V-ups
Midline 2: Tuesday
2 Sets:
* 9 Ring Push-ups or 9 Regular Push-ups in between sets
- Rest 3:00 btw. sets.
Skill: Saturday
5 Rounds:
AMRAP 2:30:
250/200m SkiErg
Max Bar Muscle-ups, Chest-to-Bar, or Pull-ups with time remaining.
- Rest 1:00 btw. AMRAP's
*Sub any machine for skierg.
Engine 1: Wednesday
4 Sets:
Every 8 Minutes:
20 Burpees-to-target
30/24 Calorie Machine (Machine of your choice)
20 Burpees-to-target