
Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - 19:00

CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit

Accessory & Stretching

Metcon (No Measure)


5 Sets:

30 Banded Good Morning

10 Weighted Glute Bridges

:30 Standing Banded Row


3 Sets:

10 Stiff Leg Deadlift

10 Good Morning

10 OH Lunges*

*Use PVC or Barbell


Rottweiler (AMRAP - Reps)


Max Reps:

3:00 Max Strict Pull-ups*

3:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

2:00 Max Strict Pull-ups

2:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

1:00 Max Strict Pull-ups

1:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

*Use bands as needed to reduce loading and allow for 5+ Rep sets.
Level 2:

Max Reps:

3:00 Max Strict Pull-ups*

3:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

2:00 Max Strict Pull-ups

2:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

1:00 Max Strict Pull-ups

1:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

*Use bands as needed to reduce loading and allow for 5+ Rep sets.

Level 1:

Max Reps:

3:00 Max Strict Pull-ups*

3:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

2:00 Max Strict Pull-ups

2:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

1:00 Max Strict Pull-ups

1:00 Max Burpee-to-Target

*Use bands as needed to reduce loading and allow for 5+ Rep sets.

Extra Work

Extra Work - Week of 29JUNE20 (No Measure)

Midline 1:

4 Sets:

15 Weighted Hip Extensions (25/15#)

30 Glute Bridges

:30 L-Sit

*Rest as needed*

Midline 2:

2 Sets:

150' Sandbag Bearhug Carry (150/100#)

50 Banded Good Mornings

25 Banded Side Steps (Right)

25 Banded Side Steps (Left)

Skill 1:

EMOM 12:

Even: 50' Handstand Walk (Around 3 Obstacles)

Odd: 8 Candle Sticks

Skill 2:

6 Rounds:

250/200m Row

5 Touch & Go Snatch (135/95#)

- Rest :45 btw. rounds