Westbank Warrior of the Month - May 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017 - 14:33
Name: India Reuben

Age: 34


Occupation: Administrative Supervisor for New Municipal and Traffic Court of New Orleans


Which class do you usually attend? 5:15pm 3 times a week


Favorite WOD: Any workout with dead lifts and jerks


Favorite Lift: Split Jerk


How long have you been CrossFitting? Over 6 months


What keeps you coming back? I love the sense of community.  I felt like family the first time I walked through the door. From the coaches to the athletes, everyone truly cares about you and your success. Its my second home.


How did you find CrossFit?. I got a friend request from Jodi on Facebook and then was invited to one of the Bring A Friend party workouts that are held during the 6 week boot camp the gym offers.   I started out in the amazing boot camp program and immediately joined as a Crossfit athlete after completing two bootcamps.


What is your athletic background?  I've never been an athletic person. I didn't play any sports in school or anything of the sort and to call myself an athlete now feels amazing.


How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?  It's made me mentally and physically stronger. I don't look at a workout or movement and say "I can't". I look at it and say "I can do this." Even if its hard or something I've never done before, CrossFit has given me the confidence within to tackle any and all challenges.


Is there something you have done here that you never thought you could do? I never thought I could believe in myself on the level that I do now.


What motivates/inspires you?  The amazing feeling of finishing a workout that I wouldn't have given any thought to before, being surrounded by people from all walks of life and all fitness levels that push through and conquer everyday challenges, the feeling I get when I PR a lifting goal, the way my body has changed for the better.


What goals have you achieved so far, and what else do you want to accomplish? I have dropped weight off of my long term goal, I PR'd on my split jerk and I've helped others reach some of their goals as well. I believe we are inspired to inspire others and that's what I strive for everyday. My major goal for 2017, is reaching my goal weight and an optimal level of fitness for my life. Goal for 2018, get my CL1 Certification so I can help others in the way my coaches have helped me.


Hobbies/interests outside of CrossFit? Music festivals, food festivals, shopping, reading, writing. Any kind of fun social events. I am a social butterfly.


Any advice for new member

s?  Remember that you're not in this alone. Every person that you come across at the gym are cheering and rooting for you. We're a family. We help each other, love each other and always have each other's backs. Be open to challenges, be open to being uncomfortable. Its when you're uncomfortable that change truly happens.