Definition: CrossFit

Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 04:24
One of the first things I ask people when they come to the gym is "What do you think CrossFit is?" I get all kinds of answers. "It's a bunch of different stuff." Or "Like what I saw on ESPN with the CrossFit Games." Or "Aerobics plus weights."

The most-asked question about nutrition

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - 19:26

If I had a dime for every time someone asked me "What should I eat?," we'd have gold-plated barbells at CrossFit Algiers. Nutrition is complex, though, and I can't and won't tell you that certain foods are bad or good, or that you must eat a certain way (well, unless I'm getting you ready for a physique show, because then, all bets are off.)

I CAN tell you if how you're eating is going to get you closer to or further from your goals. And I can tell you approximately how much of those foods to eat. But that's not usually what people want to hear.

Set your sights high. 8/28/2015

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - 12:00

CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit

If you haven't conquered your rope climb, today's a great day to practice. If you have, then practice speed and efficiency - we only have two ropes :-). Most of all, be safe. 15 minutes can be a long time, and if your strength is failing, it's better to fail from the floor than to fall on the floor.


Jumprope 3:00

Banded/lax shoulder mobility 4:00

5 wallballs/5 medball cleans x 2

Practice rope climb skills and scales

Bro-ing workout. 8/26/2015

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - 12:00

CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit

Burpees plus rows? Yes, please! We're taking our usual burpee and adding a twist today. So use your best form to get those calories done, and don't trip over the rower. Rx is with a two-foot jump, and scaled will be stepping over. You're going from a movement that requires t-spine stability (the row), to a movement that requires t-spine mobility (the burpee.) Don't get confused and let your core go to hell on the row. Lock it down when you're on the rower.


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