We all need a little assist to get started sometimes.
Our Foundations Intro to CrossFit can be that bridge to the body and fitness you've always wanted but never quite achieved.
by Hillary Achauer
For seven years, Elsie Jahn pushed her body to the limit.
Part 3 - How to Find and Keep Your Workout Motivation
How come some people are able to stick to a workout program long term, and some of us get stuck in a vicious start-quit-restart cycle?
Part 2 - How to Find and Keep Your Workout Motivation
How come some people are able to stick to a workout program long term, and some of us get stuck in a vicious start-quit-restart cycle?
Finding and Keeping Your Workout Motivation - Part 1
How come some people are able to stick to a workout program long term, and some of us get stuck in a vicious start-quit-restart cycle?
CrossFit Algiers - Home Workouts
Warm-up (No Measure)
Slow AMRAP 6:
10' Sideways Bear Crawl Left
10' Sideways Bear Crawl Right
10 Alternating Single Leg Deadlift
CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit
Tiger Shark (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
100m DB Farmer Carry (50/35#)
20 Barbell Rollouts
10 Strict Press (115/75#)
Level 2:
CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit
Megalodon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
For Max Distance & Reps:
5:00 Max Distance Row